Lanae Erickson

Lanae Erickson spends her days helping policymakers and advocates to better understand the complexities of how voters in the middle approach topics that are often perceived politically as black and white, including immigration, crime, abortion, and guns. Working closely with leaders in the LGBT movement, she spearheaded Third Way’s Commitment Campaign, which mobilized moderate Americans to support marriage for gay couples by changing the conversation from legal rights and benefits to the importance of making a lifetime commitment in front of family and friends.

Lanae served as a member of President Obama’s third White House Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. Her commentary has been featured in a variety of news outlets, including The Washington Post, The New York Times, USA Today, Politico, The New Yorker, and PBS News Hour. She has also appeared on MSNBC, NPR, Fox News, CSPAN’s Washington Journal, CNN, and her home state’s Minnesota Public Radio.